We understand that there aren't enough hours in the day so we want to connect you to free resources that will save you time and money, thereby propelling your business in the right direction.
We help you to:
• conceptualise your ideas and bridge the gap between your vision and a tangible reality.
• draft and implement your business plan with and for you.
• design and manage your online store with you.
• plan and set up your operational processes.
• professionally present your business to potential customers, clients and the general public.
National Development Plan 2030 - South Africa
South Africa's first National Development Plan (NDP) aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by the year 2030. The National Planning Commission, who spearhead the NDP, have clearly articulated that the plan can only be achieved collaboratively through shared responsibility and sector-specific roles. The NDP has been approved and adopted by the government and has received strong endorsement from active citizens and broader society.
The NDP outlines ambitious goals for reducing poverty, fostering economic growth and transformation, and creating jobs. The private sector has a crucial role in achieving these objectives, and at Sadonté Incorporated, we are committed to contributing to these goals, even though our efforts and contributions may seem small in comparison. At Sadonté Incorporated, we are playing our part in realizing the NDP's ambitious goals by:
working together with entrepreneurs in our community to advance development and resolve problems.
reducing the cost of doing business therefore making it possible for entrepreneurs with cash flow challenges to access professional services and support for their emerging or struggling businesses.
in partnership with our clientele and our network of professionals, creating opportunities for internships which lead to skills development, assist unemployed youth to become employable by gaining much needed experience and also creating employment opportunities through the work we secure from our clients.